Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow in Jerusalem

Note: Until today I did not write that I live in Israel, only from concern that cyber-nuts would post trashy comments, and I did not want my readers to deal with that. But since it inhibits me a lot in what I can post, I have decided to take the risk.

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There has been snow in Jerusalem the last few days. I remember when I sent my parents, during my first year here, a clipping about the snow; my Dad jokingly called it a “Zionist lie”. And as much as there seems to be global warming, it seems to me that there is more snow in Jerusalem over the last few years than there was 20 years ago. (But that impression is probably due to my having a “reporter” on site- my oldest married son. He himself had been jubilant at the first heavy snowfall he had witnessed, having only observed no more than a “flurry” of snow flakes up until the age of about 22. )
So a few days back I heard from my “reporter” that a significant amount had fallen overnight in the holy city. Yesterday, another married son, who also lives in Jerusalem at present, called. He mentioned in passing the snow, and that he had built a snowman, along with his wife. Now this is my son who is a diligent scholar, an extraordinarily persistent one. (I am biased, but I heard this evaluation from his older brother.) But he still found a few minutes to nurture the child within, to nurture his relationships. Now we can all do that, even without snow.
Did you have any fun today? A good laugh? It’s therapeutic, you know.

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